Justine Harman
narrative longform journalist

Read “Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Banished Forever” in New York magazine, about Scott and Diana Anderson, a couple so committed to their private club at Disneyland, Club 33, that they sued for a reported $400,000 to get back in.”

Read “The Parasites of Malibu,” Justine’s latest “yarn” for New York magazine, about a grift so specific it could only happen on the west side of Los Angeles: “Over the months, Moore and Flores transformed the house into a sort of Canyon Ranch on steroids, a seaside holistic center focused only on its single and permanent guest.”
Justine’s latest podcast, THREE, was #1 on iTunes for 13 days!

Read Justine’s feature on ‘80s primetime icon-turned-Icarus Jessica Savitch, for Marie Claire:
“Each time her portrait was drawn, Savitch got blonder, bitchier, less capable, more disturbed. Each time her portrait was drawn, the nuance of a woman haunted by trauma and hunted by her rivals got smudged. ‘She's everyone's worst fear of what it was like to be a lady in journalism,’ Licht says. ‘She wanted it more, got it more, and suffered for it more.’”

Read Justine’s odyssey on a far (far) flung, pair of $87,000 jeans for New York:
“Listed as “1885–1892 One Pocket Levi’s” and “mine-found” in the official Durango Vintage Festivus auction catalogue, the jeans have only one back pocket, a style the brand abandoned after 1901, and a buckle-back waist instead of belt loops because belts weren’t yet widely used. An interior pocket bag bears the brand’s Chinese Exclusion Act–era slogan, “The only kind made from white labor.” There are tarnished copper rivets, deep whiskers of wear around the knees and pockets, and a color-matched patch whipstitched to one leg. Their entire front is covered in 150-year-old candle-wax spatter…Depending on whom you ask, they are either an investment or an invention. And in a self-policing industry chronicled only by its own, the line between the two is intractably, perhaps intentionally, blurred.”
Read Justine’s Cover Story on Jessica Chastain for Marie Claire
Her passion for telling women’s stories has won her a Best Actress title, inspired a production company, and made her a bold-faced name within the industry. But the Hollywood heavyweight isn't stopping now. By Justine Harman
Breaking News: KILLED is #1
Justine’s new series, about stories that were once stifled by the media, debuted at #1 on iTunes and was #12 on Apple’s Top New Shows of 2022!
O.C. Swingers
You can’t spell lifestyle without “lies.” A look into one of the most sensational rape cases in Orange County history
The Baron of Botox
Take a deep dive into the life and death of famed cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Fredric Brandt
Broken Harts
Two white moms. Six Black kids. One unthinkable tragedy. Inside the ‘perfect’ Hart family